A trip to the doctor or hospital is often a time of weakness and vulnerability. As such, it is a time we what to know we are going to be taken care of in the best way possible. While most medical practitioners work tirelessly to ensure this is the case, sometimes, negligence can lead to medical malpractice.
If you’ve recently been in the care of a medical professional, but you doubt the level of proper care you’ve received, you may have fallen victim to medical malpractice. If you have, you will want to take the proper steps necessary to right this wrong. Read on for some signs that medical malpractice may have taken place.
You’ve Seen No Changes After Recommended Treatment
Sometimes, a course of treatment takes a while to work, or doesn’t work on the first go. However, if you’ve been following your medical provider’s instructions exactly and taking the recommended medications, you should eventually see results. If you don’t there’s a chance your doctor missed something important or made a misdiagnosis.
Your Doctor Ordered Only Basic Lab Tests
Some diseases are difficult to diagnose—requiring trial and error and extensive testing. If your doctor ordered only basic lab tests, this could be a sign they’re not taking your symptoms seriously. On the other hand, if your doctor diagnosed you with an illness after only basic tests, this could also be a red flag.
Your Treatment Seems Too Invasive
Has your doctor recommended an aggressive or invasive type of treatment that doesn’t seem necessary? If so, this could be evidence of malpractice. The reverse—not advising aggressive enough treatment—can also be a possible sign of this.
A Second Opinion Contradicted Your Diagnosis
If your doctor diagnosed you with a disease and you got a second opinion that contradicted this theory, it could be time for more testing. Two opposing medical opinions aren’t necessarily evidence of medical malpractice. However, it could be a sign one of the doctors has not done their job adequately.
The Care Facility Seemed Understaffed
Negligence doesn’t always happen out of malice. Sometimes, when a care facility is overstaffed, details slip through the cracks and accidents happen. If your healthcare facility appeared to be understaffed, this could be leading to cases of malpractice—click for more information.
Premature Discharge from Care
When you are in a healthcare setting, medical professionals have a duty of care not to release you until it is safe to do so. When you are discharged too soon, complications can occur. If you feel as though you were released too early from a healthcare facility, you may have experienced medical malpractice.
Medical Malpractice: Don’t Let It Go Unnoticed
Medical malpractice is a serious issue that can lead to poor health, injury, or even death. If you feel as though you may have been a victim of medical malpractice, you should get in touch with a knowledgeable attorney as soon as you can. For more legal advice, tips, and tricks, check out the rest of our content.